고려대학교 노르딕 베네룩스 센터

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Synergies from Collaboration


In a highly-connected world, collaboration is a strong tide toward a better future. Recently, collaboration is creating more than the mere sum of its parts by producing maximum synergies from convergence. Since Korea and the Nordic-Benelux region have developed their own strengths in research and education, especially in the humanities, social sciences and biomedical sciences, the synergistic effect deriving from collaboration between the two is expected to be effective and endless. Housed at Korea University (KU), one of Asia's top universities, the Nordic-Benelux Center is establishing a comprehensive collaboration platform for research and education under the banner of Global KU 2.0.


As a bridge between Korea and Nordic-Benelux region, the Nordic-Benelux Center is opening solid opportunities for collaboration. KUNBC is dedicated to pursuing collaboration between researchers and students in the eight Nordic-Benelux countries and Korea. In addition, KUNBC facilitates effective structures to support this nexus with a view to exchanging innovative educational systems and expertise in research between Nordic-Benelux countries and Northeast Asia. Fruits from collaboration will be gladly shared and utilized to satisfy the needs of our global community.


I would like to invite you all to find suitable research opportunities and to contribute to developing the world.



Jae-Seung Lee

Director, Nordic-Benelux Center at Korea University